Saturday, June 21, 2008


Success is not an accident. There are consistent.. logical patterns of action.. specific pathways to excellence that are within the reach of us all. We can unleash the magic within us. We simply must learn how to turn on and use our minds and bodies in the most powerful and advantageous ways.There are seven fundamental character traits that have to be cultivated within ourself. These are the seven basic triggering mechanisms that can ensure success.

1. Passion
Passion is a reason.. a consuming.. energizing.. almost obsessive purpose that drives people to do.. to grow and to be more. It is a fuel that powers someone's success train and causes them to tap their true potential.

2. Belief
People who succeed on a major scale differ greatly in their beliefs from those who fail. Our beliefs about what we are and what we can be precisely determine what we will be.Many people are passionate but because of their limiting beliefs about who they are and what they can do.. they never take the actions that could make their dream a reality. Passion and belief help to provide the fuel.. the propulsion toward excellence. But it is not enough.. we need..

3. Strategy
A strategy is a way of organizing resources. One must use all the resources in the most effective way possible that most likely could bring them to the desired result.

4. Clarify the Value
Values are specific belief systems we have about what is right and wrong for our lives. Great successful people always have a clear fundamental sense about what really matters.

5. Energy
Great success is inseparable from the physical.. intellectual and spiritual energy that allows us to make the most of what we have.

6. Bonding Power
Bonding power means the ability to bond with others. the ability to connect with and develop rapport with people from a variety of backgrounds and beliefs. In other word.. you have a pleasing personality that could make you easy to work with others.

7. Mastery of Communication
Communication here is divided into two ways which are internal communication and external communication. Internal communication is the way we communicate with ourself while external communication means the way we communicate with others. The mastery of communication will ultimately determine the quality of our lives.

These seven factors or character traits link and interact with each other and these are the critical ingredient that makes the difference between the achievements of the ordinary and extra-ordinary people.

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